Babylon Idiomas
learn Spanish in Spain

Why choose Babylon Idiomas? Nancy (Canada): "It has been absolutely wonderful!", Silke (Germany): "Thumbs up for Babylon Idiomas". Els (Belgium): "You feel at home from your first day". You can find a lot more comments on our webite.
Babylon Idiomas offers intensive Spanish language courses in Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia.
New courses for all levels start every Monday and course duration is flexible from one week to a full academic year.
Our active social and cultural activities help you make new friends and immerse yourself in our Spanish culture and language.
We can also provide for accommodation if so requried.



Address: Bruc 65, 08009 Barcelona, Spain

Tel: (+34) 93 488 1585

Fax: (+34) 93 488 0625

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