The English Training Centre
The English Training Centre (ETC) is an independent company offering fully accredited TESOL certificate courses by distance learning. We have trained over 3,000 teachers.
Our 150-hour and 250-hour certificates are accredited by ACTDEC (Accreditation Council for TESOL Distance Education Courses). Both of these courses give you the skills needed to become a successful English language teacher, plus an internationally recognised certificate.
Our 70-hour course is an introduction to TESOL/TEFL and is ideal for people going abroad for a short period.
Optional observed teaching practice can be arranged through the ACTDEC Teaching Practice Portfolio Scheme.
We also offer a certificate course in Teaching Business English, accredited by the College of Teachers based at the Institute of Education, the University of London.
You will have an experienced personal tutor who will provide comprehensive feedback on all assignments and full support throughout the course. To read more about this, go to the student feedback page on our website.
Guaranteed teaching placements in China and Korea for TESOL qualified teachers. We also provide support in finding teaching posts in other countries. For more information look at TESOL career opportunities on our website.
Overseas placements are available in a range of countries.
We are currently offering a free 100-page Grammar Awareness Module with all our courses and a teaching resource book from the Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers series.
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