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Then visit our French Directory!
French Language Links
French Language Exams
Details of Chambre de Commerce, Alliance Française & State Examinations
French Directory
Directory of over 200 institutions offering French tuition in France
French Language Schools in Montpellier
List of French language schools in the town of Montpellier, in the South of France.
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links!
Useful guide to hundreds of sites on the language and country.
Hapax: French Resources on the Web
Resources for teachers and learners of French
Bien-dire, the quarterly journal from France for adult learners of French.
Improve your French and keep in touch with what's happening in France.
Le Français Vivant
French grammar, vocabulary and literature
France and Francophonie
General information, internet resources etc.
French to English Dictionary
French Slang - a short introduction!
AVM Concepts
A Vos Marques French language learning tapes and aids for children - An exciting new way for kids to learn french.
French Lessons from Everywhere
Links to loads of on-line French courses.
Verb Conjugation
On-line verb conjugation
Argot Français
French slang dictionary
French Assistant
A free online French language course with over 50mb of audio!
French for ALL at all levels
Interactive exercises for 'A' Level, GCSE and first to third year French students.
Resources for learners and teachers of French.
La Guinguette
Online magazine for French language students.
French Travel and Tourism Links:
Au Pairing in France
Contact addresses of au pair agencies offering placements in France and often abroad
French Government Tourist Office
Virtual French Tourist
Links to lots of tourist information including 120 cities around France.
Discover France
Hundreds of pages on French culture, history, language and travel.
Ride matching service to help backpackers travel around France
Méteo-France Weather Report
The day's weather and satellite pictures
France: Culture, History, Language, Travel
Resource for prospective tourists, history buffs, art lovers etc.
Anglo-French Medical Society
For doctors and allied professions who have an interest in France and England.