This page contains a list of the most common acronyms used in the world of English language teaching. Select a letter from the table below to jump straight to the relevant section: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z
A ABEEB - Association of British ESOL Examining Boards ABLS - Association of British Language Schools ADLTM - Advanced Diploma in English Language Teaching Management (UCLES) ACoT - Associate of the College of Teachers ACE - Adult and Community Education ACP (TESOL) - Associate of the College of Preceptors (now ACoT Tesol) A.Cert.TESOL - Advanced Certificate in TESOL (College of Teachers / Preceptors) ACTDEC - Accreditation Council for TESOL Distance Education Courses AE - Adult Education AEB - Associated Examining Board AEI - Adult Education Institute ALTE - Association of Language Testers in Europe ALTO - Association of Language Travel Organisations ARELS - Association of Recognised English Language Services (now 'English UK') AQA - Assessment and Qualifications Alliance B BAAL - British Association for Applied Linguistics BACC - British Accreditation Council for Further & Higher Education BALEAP - British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes BALT - British Association for Language Teaching BASELT - British Association of State English Language Teaching (now 'English UK') BATQI - British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions BC - British Council BEC - Business English Certificate (UCLES) BIELT: British Institute of English Language Teaching BTEC - Business and Technology Education Council BULATS - Business Language Testing Service (UCLES) C CAE - Certificate in Advanced English(UCLES) CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning CBEVE - Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges CCSE - Certificates in Communicative Skills in English (UCLES) CEELT - Cambridge Examination in English for Language Teachers (UCLES) CEIBT - Certificate in English for International Business and Trade (UCLES) CELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (UCLES) CELTYL - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Young Learners (UCLES) Cert(ES) TESOL - Certificate of Educational Studies in TESOL (ACTDEC) CertTEfIC - Specialist Certificate in Teaching English for Industry and Commerce (Trinity College) CertTEB - Certificate in Teaching English for Business (LCCIEB) Cert (TM) TESOL - Certificate in the Theory and Methodology of TESOL (ACTDEC) CfBT - Centre for British Teachers CGLI - City and Guilds of London Institute CILT - Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research CILTS - Cambridge Integrated Language Teaching Schemes (UCLES) CNAA - Council for National Academic Awards COTE - Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English (UCLES) CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English (UCLES) CRELS - Combined Registered English Language Schools (New Zealand) CTEFLA - Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (UCLES - replaced by CELTA) D DELTA - Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (UCLES) DELTYL - Diploma in English Language Teaching to Young Learners (UCLES) DES - Diploma in English Studies (UCLES) DFEE - Department for Education and Employment Dip.BPE - Diploma in Business and Professional English Language Teaching (UCLES) Dip.CoT - Diploma of the College of Teachers Dip.CP (TESOL) - Diploma of the College of Preceptors (now Dip.CoT Tesol) Dip.TESAL - Diploma in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Asian Languages (Trinity College) Dip.TIB - Diploma in Teaching English for Business (LCCIEB) Dip (TM) TESOL - Diploma in the Theory and Methodology of TESOL (ACTDEC) Dip (TM) TESP - Diploma in the Theory and Methodology of TESP (ACTDEC) DOTE - Diploma for Overseas Teachers of English (UCLES - replaced by DELTA) DTEFLA - Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (UCLES – replaced by DELTA) E EAP - English for Academic Purposes EAQUALS - European Association for Quality Language Services EAL - English as an Acquired Language EAT - European Association of Teachers EFB - English for Business (LCCIEB) EFC - English for Commerce (LCCIEB) EFL - English as a Foreign Language EFTI - English for the Tourism Industry (LCCIEB) ELICOS - English Language Intensive Courses to Overseas Students (Australia) ELSA - English Language Skills Assessment (LCCIEB) ELT - English Language Teaching EOP - English for Occupational Purposes ESB - English Speaking Board ESL - English as a Second Language ESOL - English to Speakers of Other Languages ESP - English for Specific Purposes ESU - English Speaking Union F FCoT - Fellow of the College of Teachers (UK) vFCE - First Certificate in English (UCLES) FE - Further Education FIELS - Federation of Independent English Language Schools (New Zealand) FIRST - Association of British language schools. FIYTO - Federation of International Youth Travel Organisations FLIC - Foreign Languages for Industry and Commerce (LCCIEB) FTBE - Foundation Certificate for Teachers of Business English (LCCIEB) G GNVQ - General National Vocational Qualification (UK) H HE - Higher Education HNC - Higher National Certificate (BTEC) HND - Higher National Diploma (BTEC) HPA - Home Providers Association I IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language IB - International Baccalaureate IDLTM - International Diploma in English Language Teaching Management (UCLES) IDPA - International Development Program of Australia IELTDHE - Institute for English Language Teacher Development in Higher Education IELTS - International English Language Testing System (UCLES-British Council-IDPA) IoL - Institute of Linguists J JCLA - Joint Council of Language Associations JET - Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme JET - Junior English Tests (AQA exam) K KET - Key English Test (UCLES) L LAGB - Linguistics Association of Great Britain LCCIEB - London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board M MLA - Modern Language Association N NAAE - National Association of Advisors in English NALA - National Association of Language Advisors NATE - National Association for the Teaching of English NATECLA - National Association for the Teaching of English and Community Languages to Adults NATEFLI - National Association of TEFL in Ireland NATESOL - National Association of Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages (United States) NATFHE - National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (UK) NCILT - National Centre for Industrial Language Training NCLE - National Congress on Languages in Education NCML - National Council for Modern Languages in Higher and Further Education NCVQ - National Council for Vocational Qualifications ND - National Diploma (BTEC) NEAB - Northern Examinations and Assessment Board NELLE - Networking English Language Learning in Europe NESB - Non-English Speaking Background NIACE - National Institute of Adult Continuing Education NVQ - National Vocational Qualification O ODL - Open and Distant Learning OFSTED - Office for Standards in Education (UK) OIBEC - Oxford International Business English Certificate (UODLE) OL - Open Learning OU - Open University P PBE - Practical Business English (LCCIEB) PEI - Pitman Examinations Institute PET - Preliminary English Test (UCLES) PGCE - Post Graduate Certificate in Education Pre-Cert (ES) TESOL - Preliminary Certificate of Educational Studies in TESOL (ACTDEC) Q QTS - Qualified Teacher Status R RELSA - Recognised English Language Schools Association (Ireland) RSA - Royal Society of Arts S SALT - Scottish Association for Language Teaching SATEFL - Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language SATESL - Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Second Language SCOTTESOL - Scottish TESOL Association SEFIC - Spoken English for Industry and Commerce (LCCIEB) SESOL - Spoken English for Speakers of Other Languages (Trinity College) SET - Senior English Tests (AQA Exam) SIETAR - Society of International English Cultural Training and Research SNVQ - Scottish National Vocational Qualification T TEAL - Teaching English as an Additonal Language TEC - Training and Enterprise Council TEEP - Test of English for Educational Purposes TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEIL -Teaching English as an International Language TESP - Teaching English for Specific Purposes TEP - Tourism English Proficiency (UODLE) TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages TEVAC - Teaching English for Vacation and Activity Courses TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication TP - Teaching Practice U UCLES - University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate UETESOL - University Entrance Test for Speakers of Other Languages (NEAB) UKCOSA - United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs ULEAC - University of London Examinations and Assessment Council UODLE - University of Oxford Delegacy of Examinations V VSO - Voluntary Services Overseas W WEFT - Written English for the Tourism Industry (LCCIEB) WYSTC - The World Youth and Student Travel Conference X-Z We currently have no acronyms in this section Other areas which might be of interest: TEFL Distance Learning ELT Job Offers Language Job Centre The EFL Directory (book) EFL Courses in Britain EFL Distance Learning EFL Exams Working as an Au Pair International Language Events Currency Converter Language Bookstore Schools Penpal Exchange International Penpals Language/Travel Links Looking for a TEFL / TESOL job? 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